Excellent article, David. "All life and all wealth come from Earth." A truth we should all worship. I agree that the question is not socialism vs. capitalism and that capitalism’s essence is turning Nature into products to sell for private profit, thus inherently anti-Life and unsustainable and authoritarian socialism can be just as bad. I think authoritarianism and capitalism are tools of patriarchy. Capitalism, which means "money system," is what empowers authoritarian rule. It is a particular kind of system that issues all money as interest bearing debt through the global banking system. They determine where money will be spent and where it will not. Through the money system they control every industry, as the Pujo Committee investigation proved in 1912, and nearly every government today by massively influencing public policy. Public policy should be getting the people back onto the land as you suggest but instead it is geared towards maximizing profits at all costs. We need to ban that system and implement a public system that issues all money as a permanently circulating asset for the general welfare as its first use. Because money is the (constitutive) governing factor it must be a public power, the most important prerogative of democratic self-governance. monetaryalliance.org

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Thank you for your amazing article. You articulate the importance of food so well and provides so many resources for further exploration. I totally agree that food is our deepest connection to earth and the only way to do it right is to flow with nature. Conventional chemical agriculture goes against everything natural and is what's destroying us and everything else...

I appreciate the distinction you make about greed vs socialism/capitalism, etc. At the end of the day, it's not about the -isms; those are just distractions and divisions. We need to be united in recognising our abundance! Love love love!

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Excellent article, David. "All life and all wealth come from Earth." A truth we should all worship. I agree that the question is not socialism vs. capitalism and that capitalism’s essence is turning Nature into products to sell for private profit, thus inherently anti-Life and unsustainable and authoritarian socialism can be just as bad. I think authoritarianism and capitalism are tools of patriarchy. Capitalism, which means "money system," is what empowers authoritarian rule. It is a particular kind of system that issues all money as interest bearing debt through the global banking system. They determine where money will be spent and where it will not. Through the money system they control every industry, as the Pujo Committee investigation proved in 1912, and nearly every government today by massively influencing public policy. Public policy should be getting the people back onto the land as you suggest but instead it is geared towards maximizing profits at all costs. We need to ban that system and implement a public system that issues all money as a permanently circulating asset for the general welfare as its first use. Because money is the (constitutive) governing factor it must be a public power, the most important prerogative of democratic self-governance. monetaryalliance.org

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