
Thanks for this thoughtful comment, Kasey. I think what we call capitalism is the problem, because it is based on fundamentally harmful levels of thinking I described in the article: separation and scarcity. I'm not sure the actual practices would necessarily be so bad if they weren't motivated by fear and greed, attitudes the system projects onto all humanity, making us act the way we do and think it's human nature to act selfishly. It's not. Perhaps you could have a kind of free enterprise economy if gifting became the norm and hoarding were considered the great evil it is. I doubt that would look much like the capitalism we know, but it might be a good thing.

Thanks for your book recommendations. I'm getting a lot out of Gabor Mate's book The Myth of Normal.

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Thanks for this David! I've also been considering whether wind a solar create more problems in the long run. I assume you know about Nikola Tesla? I'd like to spend some more time understanding his contributions and the extent to which they were suppressed. I've also been very inspired by what Foster Gamble and his wife did in the Thrive films (https://www.thriveon.com/). So many inspiring new technologies that are not extractive in the ways we are used to!

I'm also looking into Voluntarism lately, I'm reading folks like Mark Gober, Mark Passio (listening to Passio), and Larkin Rose. I'm curious whether the belief in authority might be a the core of the problem. I see a lot of blame placed on Capitalism, and I wonder whether Capitalism without so much meddling by government and "powers that should not be" would be as terrible?? Curious to know your thoughts!

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